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Mark Williams on Mindfulness by Mark Williams

Mark Williams on Mindfulness

by Mark Williams


Title Details

Running Time
54 Min.


Is mindfulness the answer to all our prayers? The benefits are compelling: it's free, you can do it anytime, anywhere, and it's been scientifically proven to work. It is recognised by those in and out of the health profession as a useful tool for generally improving our mental wellbeing, as well as dealing with more serious issues such as depression or anxiety disorders.Professor Mark Williams, a leading authority on mindfulness, takes to our pulpit to explore the science behind it and look at its practical application in everyday life. He takes us through the myths, realities, and benefits of meditation, and looks at how such practices can help us to live lives of greater presence, productive and peace.

Mark Williams is Professor of Clinical Psychology and Wellcome Principal Research Fellow at the University of Oxford. He is author of the bestselling books: 'Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World' (Piatkus, 2011; co-authored with Danny Penman) and 'The Mindful Way through Depression: Freeing yourself from Chronic Unhappiness' (Guilford, 2007; co-authored with John Teasdale, Zindel Segal and Jon Kabat-Zinn).

This secular sermon took place at Conway Hall on Sunday 5 June 2011.

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