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This Author: Lucinda Drayton
This Narrator: Lucinda Drayton
This Publisher: Diviniti Publishing

Letting Love In by Lucinda Drayton

Letting Love In

by Lucinda Drayton


Title Details

Running Time
44 Min.


This second title in the simple truths series by Lucinda Drayton is an inspirational three-track meditation to help open the heart and create a healthy love for the self and others.

This installment will help you to improve existing relationships by encouraging a positive attitude towards those in your life, as well as attracting new, loving, supportive people into your life. As you become more loving, so you attract more love to you.

The three tracks are "Walking in Love", "The River", and "Improving a Relationship".

Fans of Bliss will recognise the heart and soul in this recording as Lucinda's truly beautiful voice guides the listener to a very special place of peace and unconditional love. This is a meditation download that is of the very highest quality in terms of production, sound, and integrity.

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