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This Author: Dr. Jeffrey Thompson
This Publisher: The Relaxation Company

Gamma Meditation System by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson

Gamma Meditation System

by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr.
User Rating
  4.0  Stars Based on 1 rating


In cooperation with the Dalai Lama, researchers have investigated the brainwave patterns of Tibetan Buddhist monks in states of deep meditation. The studies reveal that these advanced meditators produced high levels of a brainwave called GAMMA.

Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, a pioneer in the use of sound for healing and altering states of mind, has created a powerful CD program which weaves subtle pulses of GAMMA brainwave frequencies into a multi-layered musical soundtrack. Your own brainwaves "lock on" to these Gamma waves and move you easily into states of deep meditation, heightened self-awareness, and unity with the world around you.

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