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This Author: Dr. Jeffrey Thompson
This Publisher: The Relaxation Company

Gamma Meditation System 2.0 by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson

Gamma Meditation System 2.0

by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 1 rating


Clinical studies conducted in cooperation with the Dalai Lama at the University of Wisconsin-Madison's W.M. Keck Laboratory recently found that Buddhist monks in states of deep meditation attain a particularly high state of consciousness with a unique high frequency brainwave pattern. This research supported the clinical findings of sound healing pioneer Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, who had measured these states more than 10 years earlier and named them HYPERGAMMA.

The Gamma Meditation System 2.0 uses cutting-edge audio technology to help you access the same extraordinary brainwave state. Subtle pulses of HyperGamma brainwave frequencies woven into a multi-layered musical soundtrack engage your own brainwaves to "lock on" to these HyperGamma waves and move you easily into a state of deep meditation, enhanced focus, awakened insight and inspiration.

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