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This Author: Ronald D. Siegel
This Publisher: Google Talks

Dr. Ron Siegel on The Science of Mindfulness by Ronald D. Siegel

Dr. Ron Siegel on The Science of Mindfulness

by Ronald D. Siegel


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 5 Min.
In this presentation hosted by Google Talks, psychologist Dr. Ron Siegel discusses how the psychiatric community has adapted meditational practice as a means of coping with stress and depression. Noting that our brains didn’t necessarily evolve with happiness as the primary goal, Siegel illustrates how our survival instinct naturally led to a negativity bias that keeps us in constant avoidance of anything that might cause discomfort. When someone practices mindfulness in daily life, they learn to confront stressful situations and develop a method to stay detached from the constant stream of emotions, both good and bad, that can hold us enslaved.

If you like what you hear in this talk, then you might want to head over to Dr. Siegel's website where he offers 15 free guided meditations on MP3 audio download: The Mindfulness Solution Guided Meditations.

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