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This Author: Chris Palmer
This Narrator: Greg Tremblay
This Publisher: Vibrance Press

Raise Your Kids to Succeed by Chris Palmer

Raise Your Kids to Succeed

What Every Parent Should Know

by Chris Palmer


Title Details

Running Time
5 Hrs. 8 Min.


Raise Your Kids to Succeed: What Every Parent Should Know describes what parents can do to be effective and help their children succeed, both in school and in life. Part I opens with some big foundational questions, including the need for parents to realize their own importance. It goes on to discuss how to create a family mission statement, the importance of creating family traditions and rituals, and the pivotal need to model good behavior.

Part II starts by exploring ways to let your kids know the importance you attach to education. It stresses the importance of really listening to your kids, reading to them, getting outside with them to enjoy nature, and teaching them life skills. Part III explores ways for you to be present at your child’s school and to be an advocate for your child. It also focuses on the issue of bullying and how to counter a toxic, sexualized, and violent culture. Raise Your Kids to Succeed will help your children succeed and reach all of the dreams that you have for them - and, more important, the ones they have for themselves.

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