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This Author: Warren Buffett
This Publisher: C-SPAN

Financial Future of American Youth by Warren Buffett

Financial Future of American Youth

by Warren Buffett


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr.
This C-SPAN video features Warren Buffet, the Chairman and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. He is not only a financially successful businessman, but here he gives great advice to young Americans regarding their future possibilities. Ideas presented form around thinking about your personal financial potential and your earning power. Mr. Buffet speaks of what he looks for in selecting new employees--integrity, intelligence, and energy. You MUST have integrity in order for the others to matter. You can elect to have integrity and match it with your intelligence and energy. In regards to the habits young people should be forming, he stresses the importance of cultivating these virtues at a young age in order to develop into the kind of person you most admire. Mr. Buffet is an extremely interesting speaker with the experience to back up what he says.

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