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This Author: Karen Brown
This Publisher: American Public Media

A Mind of Their Own

by Karen Brown

Title Details

Running Time
50 Min.


Most children can be volatile at some point in their development, with no particular cause for worry. But at what point do irritability, mood swings, and tantrums constitute a mental illness? Up to half a million children are believed to have bipolar illness. This is the story of three of those children, their families, and the professionals who work with them.

Producer: Karen Brown
Editor: Mary Beth Kirchner
Host: Deborah Amos
Senior Producer: Sasha Aslanian
Project Manager: Misha Quill
Web Producer: Ochen Kaylan
Production Assistant: Ellen Guettler
Mixing: Scott Liebers
Executive Editor: Stephen Smith
Executive Producer: Bill Buzenberg

Major funding for American RadioWorks? comes from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the members of American Public Media.

American RadioWorks is the national documentary unit of American Public Media.