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This Author: Amy Cuddy
This Publisher: TED Talks

Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are by Amy Cuddy

Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

by Amy Cuddy


Title Details

Running Time
21 Min.
Watch the second most popular TED Talk of all time! If you're not one of the 30 million people who have viewed it thus far, then we highly recommend you watch this one. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy makes a strong case for faking it until you make it, or rather, fake it til you become it, in this inspiring talk. She focuses on the importance of posture and how our bodies can affect our minds which can then lead to better outcomes, and she references numerous studies where posture played an important role in outcomes. At the end of the talk she tells of her own moving experience with "faking it" until she had become the person who she doubted she could be. We recommend watching this TED talk as there are a lot of visual references in it. It's a must see!

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