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This Author: Mimi Guarneri
This Publisher: UCTV

Natural Approaches to Health and Healing by Mimi Guarneri

Natural Approaches to Health and Healing

by Mimi Guarneri


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
1 Hr. 28 Min.
Dr. Mimi Guarneri is board-certified in cardiology, internal medicine, nuclear medicine, and holistic medicine, and she is currently the President of the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine. She recently taught an excellent course through The Great Courses called The Science of Natural Healing.

In this highly informative talk from UCTV, Dr. Guarneri asks why the U.S. pays so much for health care and gets such relatively poor results. Part of the problem she feels is that doctors have been trained with “ill to the pill” treatment of treating all illness with pharmaceuticals and other treatments that don’t really get to the root cause for ill health. Dr. Guarneri goes into the details of why eating well and exercising regularly can greatly improve almost every area of your health. She gives specifics for diet and nutrition (such as the 12 foods you should buy organically if you can afford it). She also specifies how much exercising you should be doing, along with listing the many benefits it has for your mind and body. Her talk includes a helpful slide deck for those of you watching the video. The talk is available on streaming video through YouTube and on audio & video download through the UCTV website.

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