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This Author: Dr. Jeffrey Thompson
This Publisher: The Relaxation Company

Alpha Relaxation System by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson

Alpha Relaxation System

by Dr. Jeffrey Thompson


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr.
User Rating
  1.0  Stars Based on 1 rating


Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, DC, BFA's pioneering work with thousands of patients and volunteers has led to groundbreaking discoveries in how sound frequency patterns built into musical soundtracks induce brainwave entrainment. With the Alpha Relaxation System, pulses of sound that activate Alpha brainwave patterns are embedded in the musical soundtrack, leading you to healthful and enjoyable states of relaxation.


* Based on over 20 years of pioneering clinical research.
* Experience beautiful and soothing musical compositions and 3-D sounds of nature.
* Easy to use with headphones or ordinary speakers.
* Contains no spoken words or subliminal messages.

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