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This Author: Marcia Wieder
This Publisher: Made for Success

21 Days to Transform Your Look by Marcia Wieder

21 Days to Transform Your Look

by Marcia Wieder


Title Details

Running Time
3 Hrs. 16 Min.


Gain clarity about how you want to look, remove fear and doubt about achieving your desired weight, and take action today.

What if you could make powerful changes in the way you look that would make you happier, healthier, and more fulfilled? And, what if you could actually create your perfect weight-loss target now? Well, you can. This proven 10-step process has helped thousands of people from all walks of life accomplish amazing things. In just 21 days you can create the desired look you have always wanted. Your clothing will fit naturally and you will feel great about yourself.

Through a proven process, inspirational stories and practical steps, you can begin today to literally transform every aspect of your look for success - whether it means losing a few pounds, updating your look, or making other major changes.

The author of the best-selling book Making Your Dreams Come True (seen on Oprah), Marcia Wieder will walk you through this program step-by-practical-step. It's like having your own coach next to you encouraging and helping you along the way.

By the end of this program, you will:

  • Successfully be using a proven method for accomplishing your goals
  • Trust at a deeper level and therefore be taking greater risks
  • Take control of your life, removing fear, doubt and other obstacles
  • Obtain strategies and tools to sustain the choices you've made
  • Know your purpose and feel more passionate, alive, and free

This program has helped thousands of people worldwide literally transform their lives. It will help you discover your dream look and achieve it. This program will provide practical solutions so you can accomplish your weight loss goals faster and with greater ease.

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