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This Author: Adrienne Lapidos
This Publisher: University of Michigan

Understanding Psychosis by Adrienne Lapidos

Understanding Psychosis

by Adrienne Lapidos

Title Details

Running Time
12 Hrs.


What is it like to live with and recover from psychosis? Why are people with psychosis spectrum disorders such as Schizophrenia more likely to have serious medical problems? What can healthcare providers do to improve this population's experience of and access to care? Why is Trauma-Informed Care particularly relevant to people living with psychosis? In this course, learners will explore these and other questions as they gain a deeper understanding of psychosis-spectrum disorders. Participants will learn about the signs and symptoms of psychosis; the treatments that work; the promising directions in research; and the skills and strategies that may help engage this population in medical settings. Academic lectures are interspersed with interviews with expert therapists, psychiatrists, researchers, and people living with psychosis. After completing this activity, participants will be able to summarize the health disparities facing people with psychosis, determine reasons why these health disparities exist, and illustrate examples of communication styles that can help promote health in this population.

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