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Blood Pressure: How High is Too High and How Do I Lower it Safely? by Robert Baron

Blood Pressure: How High is Too High and How Do I Lower it Safely?

by Robert Baron


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
1 Hr. 27 Min.
Watch or listen to this good overview of high blood pressure and hypertension, also known as the "silent killer". Dr. Robert Baron is a Professor of Medicine at the University of California San Francisco. He starts the talk by spending a significant amount of time discussing the important factors that go into getting an accurate reading of your blood pressure. The more he talks about it the more you realize how challenging it is to get a proper reading either in the doctor's office or at home. Often medical decisions by a doctor are made on a rushed one-time blood pressure measurement that might not be accurate. Dr. Baron then provides a few ways that blood pressure can be reduced naturally, with the most effective way being weight loss. He then goes into some medical studies that differ somewhat as to when high blood pressure should be treated. He discusses the available blood pressure medications and lists some of their side effects. While the side effects of the medications can be significant, they usually don't outweigh the harms of untreated high blood pressure which can eventually lead to heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

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