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This Author: Tim Ferriss
This Publisher: Wired.com

4-Hour Everything: How Tim Ferriss Tracks His Life's Data by Tim Ferriss

4-Hour Everything: How Tim Ferriss Tracks His Life's Data

by Tim Ferriss

Title Details

Running Time
25 Min.
Tim Ferriss is the author of such bestsellers as The 4-Hour Work Week and The 4-Hour Body. He is also the author of the brand new book The 4-Hour Chef: The Simple Path to Cooking Like a Pro, Learning Anything, and Living the Good Life (which is not available on audio, but you can get the hardcover book).

This is a 25-minute talk he gave at the WIRED Health Conference last October, and it is the #1 most viewed video of 2012 on the outstanding video site FORA.tv. In the talk Ferriss reveals the data that he tracks in regards to his workouts, what he eats, and a whole lot more. While he acknowledges that some of the stuff he tracks might seem obsessive or absurd to outsiders, he is confident that technology (such as apps on smart phones) is making it a whole lot easier for people to track data corresponding to their health and well-being. And he feels that tracking isn't limited to scientific data, but can be applied to certain intangibles such as your emotions. This talk will surely get you thinking about what data you should be tracking as you strive for better physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health in 2013!

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