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The Science of Acupuncture by Kathy Sykes

The Science of Acupuncture

by Kathy Sykes


Title Details

Running Time
57 Min.
Year Released
Take a look at this BBC documentary examining the science of acupuncture. Host and professor Kathy Sykes starts out a skeptic in regards to acupuncture as she travels to China where it originated as a key component of traditional Chinese medicine. After talking to many people who claim acupuncture has worked wonders for them, she then begins to examine the scientific research into the matter. She looks at a few of the most rigorous studies conducted which suggest that acupuncture works for alleviating certain types of pain. Professor Sykes then collaborates with a study that examines how acupuncture works by examining the brain through MRI while acupuncture is conducted. The findings are very interesting. Watch this BBC documentary on YouTube.

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