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This Author: Lucinda Drayton
This Narrator: Lucinda Drayton
This Publisher: Diviniti Publishing

Letting Go, Moving On by Lucinda Drayton

Letting Go, Moving On

by Lucinda Drayton


Title Details

Running Time
59 Min.


This first installment in the simple truths series by Lucinda Drayton is an inspirational four-track meditation to help heal the pain of grief, divorce, and separation.

Lucinda is the singer of the well known band Bliss, and she has created this wonderful recording after her own personal experience of loss. It comes straight from her heart and was inspired by a year of huge changes and challenges. Fans of Bliss will recognise the heart and soul in this recording as Lucinda's truly beautiful voice guides the listener to overcome the pain of losing a loved one or coping with the end of a relationship.

Add to this a sublime musical backing created by Simon Wong and you have a meditation download that is of the very highest quality in terms of production, sound, and integrity.

Lucinda says: "This may challenge you, but it will also comfort and empower you. It takes courage to forgive and to accept, but those of us who have this level of courage carve a path to a bright new future. We actually create a level of change in ourselves that helps to change the world. From my heart, whatever you are going through I wish you love and support. Please know you are not alone. May there always be a hundred-thousand angels by your side."

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