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Divine Union by Estaryia Venus

Divine Union

Balancing the Feminine & Masculine Energies

by Estaryia Venus


Title Details

Running Time
72 Min.


A breakthrough sound journey infused with sacred geometry sound patterns to unify the feminine and masculine energies within. Woven throughout are Alpha, Theta and Delta brainwave states to enter deep relaxation and access expanded states of consciousness.

Divine Union intricately weaves together the sound frequencies such as Venus and Mars, Sun and Moon, and Estaryia’s ethereal vocal harmonics, flute by Bodhi and Maika Suneagle, nature sounds and the pure tonal sound of the Harmonic Tuning Tubes.

This Divine Union CD is specially designed to unify your brain and your heart to create a unified field of feminine and masculine energy, helping you to accelerate the manifestation of your visions, ideals and goals.

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