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This Author: Earl Nightingale
This Narrator: Earl Nightingale
This Publisher: Master Key Society

The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale

The Strangest Secret

by Earl Nightingale


Title Details

Running Time
20 Min.


In 1950 Earl Nightingale was inspired by the words "we become what we think about" in Napoleon Hill's book Think and Grow Rich around the same time he bought an insurance agency. He provided weekly motivational speeches to the agency's sales staff. In 1956, he recorded a motivational speech to be played while he was on vacation.

The motivational speech explores the concept of success and how to achieve it.

In the recording, Nightingale discusses the idea that success is not the result of luck or chance, but rather a direct result of our thoughts and actions. He argues that the key to success is to have a clear and specific goal, and to take consistent action towards achieving that goal. Nightingale also emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and the role that our beliefs and attitudes play in determining the course of our lives. He encourages listeners to adopt a positive and proactive mindset, and to take control of their thoughts and actions in order to create the life they desire.

"Before listening to this recording, I want you to realize, that...Your job, regardless of what it may be, holds within it the KEY to success and abundance. This recording, 'The Strangest Secret', gives you that KEY...tells you how to make the most of your own capabilities...how to attain the rich full measure of success and happiness that can surely be yours. You and you alone determine the DEGREE of your success. By following the principles set forth in this recording, you are bound to achieve a better way of life...starting now!" - Earl Nightingale

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