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This Author: Kelly McGonigal
This Publisher: Google Talks

Kelly McGonigal on The Willpower Instinct by Kelly McGonigal

Kelly McGonigal on The Willpower Instinct

by Kelly McGonigal


Title Details

Running Time
54 Min.
In this informative lecture hosted by Google, popular psychologist and writer Kelly McGonigal examines the many things that challenge our willpower on a daily basis, and how we might better strengthen our resolve to combat the common distractions that may be holding us back. As McGonigal explains, human beings have one brain, but two minds; and depending on which "mind" is dominant, we must call on willpower when the two minds are at odds. Citing several experiments involving sleep, addiction, food and other common tests of will, McGonigal dispels many myths and explains how the data suggests new ways we might utilize our willpower when called.

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