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This Author: LuAn Mitchell
This Publisher: Made for Success

Eye of the Tiger by LuAn Mitchell

Eye of the Tiger

by LuAn Mitchell


Title Details

Running Time
5 Hrs. 57 Min.


Would you like to turn around your “bad” luck into “good” luck fast? Learn the TEN surefire strategies in the HUNT for Excellence

In this powerful interview series we meet people who have taken good fortune to the extreme; they easily turned their BAD luck into Good luck- Even in the Worst of TIMES! Would you like to learn how you too can quickly manifest success, love and health even when the times would appear to be not in your favor? These magical “Eye of the Tiger” secrets revealed will show you simple ways to take your bad luck and transform it into GOOD luck - TODAY! Best selling coach and inspirational speaker/talk show host LuAn Mitchell gives away her incredible “money magnet” Eye of the Tiger secrets in this series of “Sure Fire Strategies!”

1. Finally, it’s your TURN. What are you waiting for? Today could be your brand new “Tiger-iffic” money, and good luck magnet birthday!
2. Learn how to turn your bad luck into GREAT LUCK, no matter what it looks like to the rest of the world!
3. How learning from the mistakes of others prevents you from making them yourself!
4. How to find money where there was only lack and debt looming
5. How to successfully sell your talents and skills for profit
6. And included BONUS- LuAn’s own life secrets of using the “Eye of the Tiger” to take her own private and professional life from “Tragedy to Triumph” repeatedly!

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