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This Author: Anthony Robbins
This Publisher: NBC.com

Breakthrough with Tony Robbins by Anthony Robbins

Breakthrough with Tony Robbins

by Anthony Robbins

Title Details

Running Time
45 Min.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 2 ratings


Breakthrough with Tony Robbins is a series of inspirational, hour-long specials starring Robbins and his team of experts who will help participants and their families overcome complex challenges and personal obstacles, and turn their lives around.

Millions of people dream of making changes that will be for the better; Robbins will help to make this dream a reality for six people and their families around the country. In his first network television series, Robbins, who has dedicated himself to giving through both his work and philanthropic endeavors, will inspire people to find the tools to change their own lives, and also to reach out and help others as well. Guiding the participants through a series of tough challenges that will bring them to the precipice of change, Robbins will help empower each of them to reach their personal goals.

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