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The Science Of Being Great by Michele Blood

The Science Of Being Great

by Michele Blood

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
3 Hrs. 9 Mins.
User Rating
  3.9  Stars Based on 47 ratings


This audio version of this POWERFUL and mystical book of truth by the author of “The Science of Getting Rich”, Wallace D. Wattles is a MUST for anyone desiring to allow their TRUE Greatness to unfold.

Wattles introduced the world to the power of positive thinking and so much more. He was a profound influence on the world.

The Science Of Being Great was published in 1911. Wallace explains that this book is for the men and women, young or old, who wish to make the most of life by making the most of themselves. He has, in this book, shown plainly the way to power and capability, and believes that no mere reading of books can develop a great personality; nothing can make you great but thought, therefore think, think, think!

Plus MusiVation™ Mind Technology to profoundly assist you in shifting your old belief systems to greatness. MusiVation™ holds light and the power to help you SHIFT your attention and old beliefs about yourself into the new YOU.

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