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This Author: Margaret A. Chesney
This Publisher: UCTV

Outsmarting Stress and Enhancing Resilience by Margaret A. Chesney

Outsmarting Stress and Enhancing Resilience

by Margaret A. Chesney


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
59 Min.
In this talk from UCTV, Margaret A. Chesney, UCSF Professor of Medicine and Director of the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, discusses the abundant evidence for the effects of stress on health. Readily citing studies from decades of research, she conveys the evidence in a fun, fact-filled presentation. She then moves on in her talk to examine what we can do about stress and gives us examples of research on effective ways of overcoming stress. Learn the latest information on how you can improve your health through reducing negative stress in your life. You can watch this talk on YouTube or download it on MP3 audio or MPEG-4 video on the UCTV website.

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