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This Author: Rick Hanson
This Publisher: Entheos

Hardwiring Happiness: The 7 Essential Strengths by Rick Hanson

Hardwiring Happiness: The 7 Essential Strengths

by Rick Hanson

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
8 Hrs.
User Rating
  4.5  Stars Based on 1 rating
Entheos.com is offering a free virtual conference called "Hardwiring Happiness: The 7 Essential Strengths", hosted by neuropsychologist Rick Hanson. In this online conference, Dr. Hanson will be interviewing 7 experts on different strengths that can help you find happiness. The interviews feature Joseph Goldstein on "Mindfulness", Stephen Porges on "Resilience", Todd Kashdan on "Imagination", Marci Shimoff on "Courage", Sharon Salzberg on "Love", Kristin Neff on "Confidence", and James R. Doty on "Contentment". You can stream the videos, and video and audio downloads will be available following the launch of each video interview.

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