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John Robbins on Diet for a New America by John Robbins

John Robbins on Diet for a New America

by John Robbins


Title Details

Running Time
53 Min.
As the heir to the Baskin Robbins ice cream empire, John Robbins was faced with an existential crisis in his early 20’s: he could either choose to take over the family business or reject it to uphold his personal integrity. Choosing instead to walk away from billions, Robbins forged his own path as an author that has been instrumental in connecting the dots between environmentalism, nutrition, and animal rights. Since the release of his popular book Diet for a New America, Robbins, his wife, and his son have all devoted their lives to lifting the veil on the mistreatment of animals, and how these horrible practices are directly related to the food we eat every day. With America’s obesity epidemic becoming more urgent, Robbins is adamant that we must reverse course on the key factors that have transformed the health industry into the “disease management” industry. This talk was delivered at Google and is available through YouTube.

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