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This Author: Deepak Chopra
This Publisher: TED Talks

Dean Ornish and Deepak Chopra at TEDMED 2009 by Deepak Chopra

Dean Ornish and Deepak Chopra at TEDMED 2009

by Deepak Chopra


Title Details

Running Time
26 Min.
User Rating
  3.5  Stars Based on 4 ratings
Watch this short talk from TEDMED 2009 featuring Dr. Dean Ornish and Deepak Chopra discussing their holistic approaches to the health and healing of the mind, body, and spirit. At the start of the talk the founder of the TED Conferences Richard Saul Wurman interviews them both about the relation between their life's work. Then both Ornish and Chopra provide a brief summary of their ideas and findings regarding the importance of lifestyle changes and consciousness when it comes to confronting personal health care.

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