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This Author: Marion Nestle
This Publisher: Google Talks

Marion Nestle on What to Eat by Marion Nestle

Marion Nestle on What to Eat

by Marion Nestle


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr.
Nutritionist and author Marion Nestle looks at food from the angle of politics and business in the United States in this talk delivered at Google. She briefly discusses her book Food Politics which looks at how the food industry was deregulated in the 1980s which led to the production of more food and greater portions and eventually to the obesity epidemic we have today. She also discusses her latest book What to Eat where she examines the marketing tactics of the food business from how grocery stores are laid out to how junk food is marketed to kids. She offers signs of hope for healthier eating in America in the movements for organic food, locally grown fresh food, and other grassroots movements related to food.

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