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This Author: David Bohm
This Narrator: David Bohm, Michael Toms
This Publisher: New Dimensions Media

Parts Of a Whole by David Bohm

Parts Of a Whole

by David Bohm

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
52 Min.
User Rating
  3.7  Stars Based on 21 ratings
In this downloadable audio program conducted by New Dimension's Michael Toms, physicist David Bohm discusses how Quantum Physics has the potential to expand our understanding of human consciousness. Bohm observes here that at the quantum level, matter moves in an erratic manner similar to the way the brain moves from thought to thought.

The deep implications of these findings led Bohm to work for many years with J. Krishnamurti in the study of how science can help broaden our spiritual horizons. Could the brain's functions mirror a wider universal law that connects the human race?

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