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This Author: N.J. Wildberger
This Publisher: YouTube Course

History of Mathematics by N.J. Wildberger

History of Mathematics

by N.J. Wildberger


Title Details

Running Time
18 Hrs.


This is a short course on the History of Mathematics, in 12 lectures. We roughly follow John Stillwell's book `Mathematics and its History' (Springer, 3rd ed). Starting with Greek mathematics, we also discuss Hindu, Chinese and Arabic influences on algebra, then the development of coordinate geometry, calculus and mechanics, and the course of geometry from projective to non-Euclidean in the 19th century. At UNSW, this is MATH3560 and GENS2005. NJ Wildberger is also the developer of Rational Trigonometry: a new and better way of learning and using trigonometry---see his WildTrig YouTube series under user `njwildberger'. There you can also find his series on Algebraic Topology, Linear Algebra, Universal Hyperbolic Geometry and even Elementary Mathematics (K-6) Explained.

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