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This Author: Deborah Goldberg
This Publisher: Intelligence Squared U.S.

No Fracking Way: The Natural Gas Boom is Doing More Harm than Good by Deborah Goldberg

No Fracking Way: The Natural Gas Boom is Doing More Harm than Good

by Deborah Goldberg


Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
56 Min.
In this edited down, 1-hour debate from Intelligence Squared U.S. two sides debate the current state of fracking natural gas and whether or not it is doing more harm than good. The side arguing against the motion doesn’t want to stop fracking entirely, but wants to slow down the boom until more research can be done regarding its effects on the environment. The side arguing for fracking says that there already has been enough scientific research done and that the fracking boom is worthwhile because it is a cleaner alternative to coal and it is bringing down the price of energy in the U.S. The side arguing against the motion feels the push needs to be for renewable energy sources instead of building continuing dependence on oil & gas. While the side arguing for the motion feels that renewable energy is all well and good, they argue that it is just too expensive right now and fracking for natural gas is a better alternative than building more coal power plants which will have a worse effect on the environment.

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