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This Author: David Wallace-Wells
This Publisher: Google Talks

David Wallace-Wells on The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells

David Wallace-Wells on The Uninhabitable Earth

by David Wallace-Wells


Title Details

Running Time
57 Min.
In this talk at Google author and journalist David Wallace-Wells delivers his warning which he puts forth in his book The Uninhabitable Earth: Life After Warming. Wallace touches on some of the bleaker predictions of what is coming in terms of global warming and climate change. He feels that being an alarmist and provoking fear is an effective way to provide a call to action for those who are complacent about confronting this issue. Even if we've entered a point of no return in the past 30 years, he argues that confronting warming at any point is important to prevent even further catastrophe. He gives some ideas on reducing carbon emissions, but he's skeptical that advances in technology will be fast enough in order to confront the coming climate change crisis. As a journalist he doesn't dive too deeply into the scientific details, but he paints a dire picture of the planet as we increase the earth's temperature by degrees.

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