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This Author: Richard Dawkins
This Publisher: Royal Institution

Richard Dawkins: Christmas Lectures on Growing Up in the Universe by Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins: Christmas Lectures on Growing Up in the Universe

by Richard Dawkins


Title Details

Running Time
4 Hrs. 40 Min.
Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins has written popular science books such as The Selfish Gene (1976), The Blind Watchmaker (1986), and The God Delusion (2006). In 1991, he delivered a series of Christmas Lectures for the Royal Institution on Growing Up in the Universe. His first lecture, entitled "Waking Up in the Universe", gives us a sense of the vastness and complexity of life on Earth. He tries in many ways to convey the long expanses of time that evolution has taken to arrive at the present moment of life and how lucky we are to have been born as humans in this moment. He stresses the importance of science in conveying the wonder and meaning of life as greater than any supernatural explanation. In the next four lectures, he confronts the problem of design, the improbability of evolutionary success, whether life was made for our benefit, and how human brains have developed a sense of purpose in the Universe. In lecture four, author Douglas Adams shows up to read a relevant passage from his novel The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.

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