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This Author: Jane Goodall
This Publisher: TED Talks

Jane Goodall on What Separates Us From the Apes by Jane Goodall

Jane Goodall on What Separates Us From the Apes

by Jane Goodall


Title Details

Running Time
27 Min.
In this TED Talk from primatologist Jane Goodall, she discusses her many years spent with chimpanzees in Tanzania and the many ways in which she and other researchers have discovered that chimpanzees are similar to humans. From their ability to make tools to their emotional lives, Goodall lays out the characteristics of chimps that may make us second guess how they are viewed and treated. She then talks about how chimpanzees are being endangered and she connects this to the many ways in which the diversity of life and our environment are being threatened. At the end of the talk she gives reasons for hope by telling of some of the courageous acts of young people throughout the world that participate in the Roots & Shoots program she started. This talk is available on streaming video and video download from TED.com.

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