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This Author: John Kricher
This Publisher: Modern Scholar

Introduction to Dinosaurs by John Kricher

Introduction to Dinosaurs

by John Kricher

Title Details

Audio Original
Running Time
40 Min.


This is the first lecture from the Modern Scholar course Behold the Mighty Dinosaur taught by Professor Michael Drout.

In this lecture Professor John Kricher provides a concise overview of what modern science currently knows about dinosaurs. A lifelong dinosaur lover, Kricher explains the basic facts, including size and weight ranges, dinosaur intelligence, and how they have survived into modern day in the form of birds. Ever since the first fossils were identified in the early 19th century, our dinosaur knowledge has evolved rapidly, and this lecture represents the most current developments.

For more information on this course or to get it on audio download check out: Behold the Mighty Dinosaur.

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