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This Author: Max Tegmark
This Publisher: WGBH Forum Network

The History of the Universe in One Hour by Max Tegmark

The History of the Universe in One Hour

by Max Tegmark


Title Details

Running Time
50 Min.
MIT physicist Max Tegmark offers up a brief history of the universe we know, and the other universes that may be lurking beyond in this free lecture provided by the WGBH Forum Network. In what is perhaps the most mind-boggling feature of the lecture, Tegmark utilizes a 3-D map of the known universe, making clear Earth’s relatively minuscule place in the grand scheme of things, while at the same time demonstrating just how far we’ve come in our current cosmological understanding. Starting with the Big Bang, Tegmark provides an accessible update on current scientific theories regarding how the Universe is expanding, and why the theory of parallel universes has come into vogue as a result. Recommended especially for helping young people get a grasp on a universal history that is already mind-blowing and and only getting more so as we continue to gather more data.

This lecture is part of the WGBH Forum Network that has moved most of its videos over to their YouTube channel. You can browser over 200 over their best lectures on our site here: Over 200 Lectures from the WGBH Forum Network.

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