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This Author: David Christian
This Publisher: TED Talks

David Christian: Big History by David Christian

David Christian: Big History

by David Christian


Title Details

Running Time
17 Min.
Oxford University Professor David Christian takes us on our 13.7 billion year journey in this TED Talk that covers "big history" from the big bang all the way up to the rise of humanity. He tells us how rare it is that complexity arises in the universe and particularly the "Goldilocks" conditions for which life on Earth arose. He finds humanity as a new threshold in the complex development of "big history" because we are able to accumulate knowledge and pass it onto the next generation. He does point out that it is not entirely clear that we are in charge of this learning that we have acquired considering the current threats of nuclear devastation and global warming that potentially threaten the conditions for life on Earth. This fabulous TED lecture is available on MP3 audio download and streaming video. And if you're interested you might want to check out Professor David Christian's Great Courses course Big History: The Big Bang, Life on Earth, and the Rise of Humanity.

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