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Astronomy Crash Course by Philip Plait

Astronomy Crash Course

by Philip Plait


Title Details

Running Time
9 Hrs.


In 46 episodes, Phil Plait (aka The Bad Astronomer) teaches you astronomy! This course starts with the astronomical observations we can make with the naked eye and expands out to cover the solar system, stars, galaxies, and the universe itself. The content is loosely based on an introductory university-level curriculum. By the end of this course, you will be able to:

* Define the components of the universe, from the planets in the Solar System to dark energy and gamma rays
* Understand how astronomers collect and analyze data to study the past and current state of the universe
* Explain the difference between asteroids, comets, and meteors
* Contextualize observed phenomena within scientific theories about the history and physics of space, such as the Big Bang theory

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