Astronomy Free Audio & Video
Featured Free Astronomy Titles
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128 Titles
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Features highlights of the actual voices and sounds of the Apollo 13 mission during the most critical times of their near disaster in outer space.
by Alex Filippenko
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Online Audio
A description of modern astronomy with emphasis on the structure and evolution of stars, galaxies, and the Universe.
by Neil deGrasse Tyson
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Hear a new talk from popular science author Neil deGrasse Tyson as he discusses topics in his most recent bestselling book Astrophysics for People in a Hurry.
by James Kaler
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In this lecture Professor James Kaler puts Earth in perspective within the solar system, the galaxy, and the whole universe.
by Michio Kaku
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In this fun video presented with an infectious passion for all things science, Michio Kaku explains how physics affects our daily lives and where it's leading us.
by Stephen Hawking
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Stretch your mind with this great roundtable featuring Stephen Hawking, Arthur C. Clarke, and Carl Sagan. Host Magnus Magnusson asks the big questions about topics like the Big Bang, black holes, time travel, extraterrestrial life, and God.
by Josh Bloom
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Online Audio
This course covers the Milky Way galaxy, star formation and the interstellar medium, galaxies, black holes, quasars, dark matter, the expansion of the universe and its large-scale structure, and cosmology and the Big Bang.
by Neil deGrasse Tyson
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This free lecture is from The Inexplicable Universe course and is called "Inexplicable Space". Professor Tyson takes a look at the 95% of the universe that is currently unknown and referred to as dark matter and dark energy.
by David Christian
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Oxford University Professor David Christian takes us on our 13.7 billion year journey in this TED Talk that covers "big history" from the big bang all the way up to the rise of humanity.
by Garrett Serviss
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Audio Download
Astronomy is known as the oldest of the sciences, and it will be the longest-lived because it will always have arcana that have not been penetrated.
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