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Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth Vol. 6: The Masks of Eternity by Joseph Campbell

Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth Vol. 6: The Masks of Eternity

by Joseph Campbell


Title Details

Running Time
59 Min.
In this sixth and final part of the PBS series Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth, Bill Moyers interviews Campbell for the last time, just months before his death at age 83. As Moyers points out in the introduction to this interview, Campbell is radiant as he discusses his belief in the mysteries of life. Moyers questions Campbell about his ideas of God, Jesus, and faith, and Campbell points to his belief in an impersonal God that is beyond being and time. He points to the peak performances and epiphanies in his own life that put him in touch with the sublime bliss of eternity. In the end, Campbell suggests that the purpose of life is the journey, and if one is to come in tune with eternity in their journey, one must follow one's own bliss. Campbell certainly did in his quest to bring myths to life through his many books and teachings.

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