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This Author: Deepak Chopra
This Publisher: FORA.tv

Deepak Chopra vs. Leonard Mlodinow: War of the Worldviews by Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra vs. Leonard Mlodinow: War of the Worldviews

by Deepak Chopra

Title Details

Running Time
50 Min.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 1 rating
Start your week with this stimulating debate between spiritual author Deepak Chopra and physicist Leonard Mlodinow on spirituality and science in the contemporary world. Chopra starts the debate by pointing to the mystery of consciousness as proof that God's design of our universe is beyond scientific comprehension. Mlodinow contends that we may understand a great deal more about consciousness in the future and that religion is often there to explain what science can't explain yet. Chopra aruges that with our great gains in science, we have also created some of the greatest threats to life on Earth including nuclear war and global warming, and that we need to emphasize global spiritual development in order to create a sustainable future. Mlodinow agrees that we need spirituality and that science can't answer all questions, but he still doesn't see the need for God and religion in order to explain our universe. Watch this excellent 50 minute debate from FORA.tv.

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