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This Narrator: Ben Kingsley
This Publisher: YouTube

Religions of the World

Religions of the World


Title Details

Running Time
10 Hrs. 15 Min.
Year Released
Sir Ben Kingsley narrates this series of 45-minute documentaries on the World Religions. They are well-written and informative introductions to these religions. The series was also put out as audio books, but these documentaries are edited-down versions with visual accompaniment. The interviews and footage from the documentaries aren't exactly on the level of Ken Burns, but they still provide a nice visual component. Another nice thing about the series is that they cover religions beyond the five major religions of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. They also cover Confucianism and Taoism, African religions, Native American spirituality, and more. They are legally distributed on YouTube through the channel The Grapevine TV. Here are the 13 episodes in this series of documentaries:

African and African-American Religions

Ancient Religions of the Mediterranean


Confucianism and Taoism




Native American Spirituality

Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christianity

Protestant Christianity

The Religion of Small Societies


Skepticism and Religious Relativism

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