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This Author: Karen Armstrong
This Publisher: TED Talks

Karen Armstrong's Wish: Charter for Compassion by Karen Armstrong

Karen Armstrong's Wish: Charter for Compassion

by Karen Armstrong


Title Details

Running Time
22 Min.
Comparative religion scholar Karen Armstrong talks about how she stumbled into her field during a trip to Jerusalem and ever since she has studied the Abrahamic religions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. She looks at the concept of belief and how it has changed over the centuries and how in today's religious practice the need to be right is often elevated over the call to be compassionate. She points out that the golden rule is at the center of all major world religions, and at the end she makes her TED Prize wish for a "Charter for Compassion" put together by thoughtful leaders of all faiths around the world. Her TED talk is available on MP3 audio download and streaming video.

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