
Comparative Religion Free Audio & Video

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The Ancient Hebrew writings showcased here were eventually compiled into a key book of The Old Testament and have become an invaluable book of wisdom for adherents and students alike.

by Huston Smith
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Dr. Huston Smith discusses their origin, founders and what each teaches as to life’s meaning and the way to its fulfillment.

by Devdutt Pattanaik
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Mythologist Dr. Devdutt Pattanaik compares the roots of Eastern and Western mythologies and shows how understanding these myths can explain a lot about every aspect of these cultures and help us overcome our misunderstandings and conflicts between these world views.

by Saint Augustine
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With this series we have carefully chosen excerpts from key religious thinkers, as well as extracts from sacred texts.

by Peter Kreeft
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In this lecture Professor Kreeft explores what religion is and what questions it tries to answer. He goes over a brief history of philosophical definitions of religion.

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Entropy Films is proud to present Beyond Our Differences, a documentary film conceived and directed by Peter Bisanz that explores the positive role of faith in the world today and the fundamental unity of the worlds religions.

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Sir Ben Kingsley narrates this series of 45-minute documentaries on the World Religions. They are well-written and informative introductions to these religions.

by William James
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The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James which is now available for free on audio download from Librivox. This classic work on the nature of religion is by the great American psychologist and philosopher William James.

by T.J. Mawson
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This series of eight lectures delivered by Dr T. J. Mawson at the University of Oxford in Hilary Term 2011, introduces the main philosophical arguments pertaining to the Western monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

by Karen Armstrong
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Comparative religion scholar Karen Armstrong talks about how she stumbled into her field during a trip to Jerusalem and ever since she has studied the Abrahamic religions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

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