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This Author: Andrew Murray
This Narrator: Saethon Williams
This Publisher: Aneko Press

Working for God: A 31-Day Study by Andrew Murray

Working for God: A 31-Day Study

by Andrew Murray


Title Details

Running Time
4 Hrs. 10 Min.


The first objective of this book is to remind all Christian workers of the greatness and the glory of the work in which God gives a share. As we see that it is God's own work that we have to work out, and that in our working, His glory rests on us and we glorify Him, then we shall count it our joy to live only and wholly for His work.

The purpose of this book at the same time is to help those who complain, or perhaps do not even know enough to complain, that they are apparently laboring in vain, by helping them discover what may be the cause of so much failure. God's work must be done in God's way and in God's power. It is spiritual work to be done by spiritual men in the power of the Spirit. The clearer our submission to God's laws of work, the surer and richer our joy and reward in it will be.

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