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This Author: Charles H. Spurgeon
This Narrator: Saethon Williams
This Publisher: Aneko Press

Words of Counsel by Charles H. Spurgeon

Words of Counsel

For All Leaders, Teachers, and Evangelists

by Charles H. Spurgeon


Title Details

Running Time
4 Hrs. 10 Min.


Is there any occupation as profitable or rewarding as that of winning souls for Christ? It is a desirable employment, and the threshold for entry into this profession is set at a level any Christian may achieve – you must only love the Lord God with all your heart, soul, and mind; and your fellow man as yourself. This work is for all genuine Christians, of all walks of life. This is for you, fellow Christian.

Be prepared to be inspired, challenged, and convicted. Be prepared to weep, for the Holy Spirit may touch you deeply as you consider your coworkers, your neighbors, the children you know, and how much the Lord cares for these individuals. But you will also be equipped. Charles Spurgeon knew something about winning souls, and he holds nothing back as he shares biblical wisdom and practical application regarding the incredible work the Lord wants to do through His people to reach the lost.

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