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This Author: Timothy Keller
This Publisher: Google Talks

Tim Keller on The Reason for God by Timothy Keller

Tim Keller on The Reason for God

by Timothy Keller


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 1 Min.
The main idea of this video is bring back the faith in God. In our modern world we are more often conflicted with reasons why we should not believe in God rather than with reasons to believe in Him. This is mostly due to the fact that we are unable to prove that God truly exists because we cannot see him. In the video and in his book, Tim Keller finds many arguments that intend to revive our faith in God. One reason why our faith in God has diminished, Keller argues, is that we do what other people in our society do because we do not want to stand out. Thus, if the community around someone is not very religious, the person is also less likely to believe in God. This video is great for open-minded people because it provides new viewpoints that definitely make you sit down and think.

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