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This Author: Charles H. Spurgeon
This Narrator: Saethon Williams
This Publisher: Aneko Press

The Soul Winner by Charles H. Spurgeon

The Soul Winner

How to Lead Sinners to the Saviour

by Charles H. Spurgeon


Title Details

Running Time
6 Hrs.


A must-read for anyone who loves God and their neighbor. As an individual, you may ask, How can I, an average person, do anything to reach the lost? Or if a pastor, you may be discouraged and feel ineffective with your congregation, much less the world. Or perhaps you don't yet have a heart for the lost. Whatever your excuse, it's time to change. Overcome yourself and learn to make a difference in your church and the world around you. It's time to become an effective soul winner for Christ.

As Christians, our main business is to win souls. But, in Spurgeon's own words, "like shoeing-smiths, we need to know a great many things. Just as the smith must know about horses and how to make shoes for them, so we must know about souls and how to win them for Christ." Learn about souls, and how to win them, from one of the most acclaimed soul winners of all time.

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