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This Author: Reuben A. Torrey
This Narrator: Lyle Blaker
This Publisher: Aneko Press

The Real Christ by Reuben A. Torrey

The Real Christ

Reevaluating How We See Jesus, According to Scripture

by Reuben A. Torrey


Title Details

Running Time
5 Hrs.


The Christ many preach and write about is not the real Christ. The Christ of many Evangelical, Protestant, and Catholic churches today is not the actual Christ Jesus who once walked this earth and whom men saw and studied and knew - the Christ who was the incarnate Word of God and the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. He is not the Christ who once lived and died and was raised again. The Christ many talk about today is a pure figment of their own imagination which they have substituted for the actual Christ of history, the Christ who once lived here on earth and who now lives in glory.

There is, however, a perfect portrayal of the real Christ, the Christ of actual fact, in all of His many characteristics and complete love, holiness, zeal, and glory. That portrait is from God's own Word, the Bible. It is found in the preview of the coming Christ given to the Old Testament prophets, and in the life, ministry, and words of the Lord Jesus Christ as He actually moved among men, as documented by His disciples in the books of the New Testament.

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