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This Author: Christopher Hitchens
This Publisher: University of Notre Dame

The God Debate: Hitchens vs. D'Souza by Christopher Hitchens

The God Debate: Hitchens vs. D'Souza

by Christopher Hitchens


Title Details

Running Time
1 Hr. 48 Min.
User Rating
  5.0  Stars Based on 1 rating
Christopher Hitchens debates conservative author and Christian apologist Dinesh D'Souza in this debate from the University of Notre Dame. D'Souza argues on the grounds of reason that God is best explanation for the origins of life, the human moral compass, and our capacity of good and evil. Hitchens argues that the universe isn't as ordered as D'Souza would like to believe and that science can prove how the universe came from nothing without the need of a Creator or intelligent design. This debates is available on for free on streaming video on YouTube.

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